Friday 3 September 2021

The Innovations of Healthcare – Bestgamingpro

Auransa’s Pek Lum, the company’s chief architect, has over 20 years of genomics and pharmaceutical development expertise. Women’s health is an underserved industry; there are several startups working in this area. The broader subject of women’s health, on the other hand, is underfunded. Most companies concentrate on issues such as birth control, ovulation, and infertility that affect both men and women.

Historically, the majority of our understanding of diseases has come from a male perspective, and it is usually based on research with male patients. Women who were trying to get pregnant were excluded from drug trial studies until the early 1990s, resulting in an enduring problem in healthcare. Underrepresentation of women in health research, trivialization of women’s physical problems (which is relevant to the misdiagnosis of endometriosis, among other issues), and gender bias in research funding are additional issues.

Several research have revealed that when we examine National Institutes of Health funding, a disproportionately large portion of its resources goes to diseases that primarily affect males – at the expense of those that primarily impact women. According to studies of NIH funding based on disease burden (as estimated by the number of years lost due to an illness), male-favored illnesses were funded at twice the rate of female-favored ones in 2019.

Let’s use endometriosis as an example. Endometriosis is a condition in which endometrial-like tissue (”lesions”, or “growths”) can be found outside of the uterus. Endometriosis, unlike other diseases, only affects women who have uteruses and has received less funding and research than many other illnesses. It may cause chronic pain, tiredness, discomfort during sex, and infertility. Despite the fact that endometriosis affects one out of ten women, diagnosis is still slow, with confirmation only achieved via surgery.

There is no non-invasive test available. Many women are diagnosed only after they become infertile, and the diagnosis may take ten years. Even following detection, disease biology and progression knowledge is limited, as well as the understanding of lesion connection to other tumor diseases such as adenomyosis. Surgical excision of tumors and hormone (mainly estrogen) suppressing medications are among current treatments.

However, things are changing. In 1994, the NIH established the women’s health research category for budgeting purposes and it was modified in 2019 to include research that is relevant to women only. In order to address the significant male bias in both human and animal studies, the NIH ruled in 2016 that grant applicants would be required to include male and female participants in their study protocols.

The rates of diagnosis and treatment are too slow to treat or cure endometriosis. A study published in 2014 found that if researchers had been given the funding they needed to continue research on chronic diseases, we might have discovered a cure for endometriosis by now.

It’s worth noting that other sources, rather than the funding bodies or pharmaceutical industry, are driving important changes. Patients and clinicians who see these illnesses frequently are leading the charge. Pharmaceutical firms (such as Eli Lilly and AbbVie) in the women’s health sector have followed their patients’ leads by growing their R&D capacity and boosting efforts to branch out into additional critical women’s health areas.

Private sources are funding new technological solutions geared towards treating endometriosis. Women’s health has been recognized as one of the most promising investment areas in 2020.

Next, we’ll look at less-known breakthroughs like EndOmestiCIDe’s SmartTampon (a $9 million Series A in April 2021 for a “smart tampon”), and DotLab, a non-invasive endometriosis testing startup that raised $10 million from investors last July. Other notable advancements include Phendo, a research-study app that tracks endometriosis, and Gynica, which is dedicated to developing cannabis-based medications for gynecological diseases.

Endometriosis is a difficult disease to combat, and any single biotech firm may find it tough to tackle it on its own. Collaborations are one way to handle this. Two firms, Polaris Quantum Biotech and Auransa, have joined forces to address the endometriosis problem as well as other women’s specific illnesses.

This collaboration between two female-led AI firms employs data, algorithms, and quantum computing to integrate biological understanding with chemistry. Furthermore, they’re not content with simulating; rather, the aim of this cooperation is to provide medicines to patients.

New relationships may have a significant influence on how quickly a field like women’s health can develop. Women-specific illnesses such as endometriosis, triple-negative breast cancer, and ovarian cancer, to name a few, might go unrecognized if such concerted efforts are not made.

Using cutting-edge technology in complex gynecological disorders will enable the field to develop much more quickly, and it may take drug candidates to clinics in a few years, especially with the aid of patient advocacy groups, medical research organizations, doctors, and out-of-the-box funding techniques such as crowdsourcing from patients themselves.

We feel that targeting the women’s health market is a win-win for both patients and businesses, with the worldwide endometriosis therapy market alone projecting to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 15% from 2018 through 2022.

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The post The Innovations of Healthcare – Bestgamingpro appeared first on Medical News And Updates.


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